Uganda’s Bobi Wine releases song to fight coronavirus pandemic

Ugandan musician and at the same time a politician Bobi Wine, whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu has released a song to raise awareness about the coronavirus pandemic.

Bobi wine joined hands with fellow musician Nubian Li to highlight the importance of personal hygiene in the fight against the virus that has claimed the lives of more than 21,000+ people worldwide basing on the information provided by the WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Dashboard and worldometers site.

In the Intro, Bobi wine goes ahead and say;

“The bad news is that everyone is a potential victim. But the good news is that everyone is a potential solution,” Wine, the member of parliament for Kyadondo East constituency, raps in the song.

“Sensitise the masses to sanitise. Keep a social distance and quarantine,” adds the rapper.

Fews days after the song was released it has gotten more than 136,170+ views, 6.2k+ likes on youtube with people praising them for the message in the comment section.


The country of 42 million people reported its first case on Sunday and has since imposed travel restrictions and banned public gatherings. Uganda has 14 confirmed cases of coronavirus, including an eight-month-old baby in Iganga whose father by the names of Ivan Kavuma had recently returned from Kisumu Kenya and now on a run.

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