Adjustments in the fees for the acquisition of a certificate of good conduct

The Directorate of Interpol and International Relations has made slight adjustments in the fees for the acquisition of a certificate of good conduct.

The fees have been increased from Uganda Shillings 64, 300 to Uganda Shillings 79,450 inclusive of the bank charges.

Certificate of Good Conduct
Certificate of Good Conduct

According to the acting Director Interpol and International Relations, Senior Commissioner of Police Benson Oyo-Nyeko, the directorate has not only effected the adjustment in the fees but also the quality of the certificate by introducing new security features which makes it difficult to forge.

SCP Oyo-Nyeko said.

“The directorate has not only effected changes in the prices but also the quality of the certificate. The certificate now has security features which makes it difficult to forge,”

The certificate upon application takes a maximum of two weeks for the document to be complete.
Certificate of Good Conduct is given to everyone who applies and those seeking employment abroad and at home.

SCP Oyo-Nyeko added that the process of acquiring a certificate of good conduct has also been made simple and easy.

They have made it extremely very simple to acquire the certificate. When you go, they take your fingerprints, guide you on how to make the assessment for Interpol when you go and pay in the bank and verification is done.

SCP Oyo-Nyeko said no one should go through middlemen. Everybody must appear in person and then they take your fingerprints. This process is said not to be tedious. It only takes less than an hour.  So don’t risk using people you do not know. Once they get you, the results won’t be good for you.

He further said the certificate of good conduct is only issued at Interpol Headquarters.

For one to acquire the certificate of good conduct, you should have a valid identity document (driving permit, passport, national identity card or a refugee card(must be cleared from the Office of the Prime Minister ) with two passport-size photos (American standard).
One must then write a formal application letter addressed to the Director of INTERPOL and International Relations.

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