Eddy Kenzo to stop performing in Uganda.

Eddy Kenzo is to stop performing in Uganda, Below is the official letter from his management.

Eddy Kenzo standing next to the Afrima Statue Award
Eddy Kenzo standing next to the Afrima Statue Award

Dear Big talent friends, family, and fans we wish to inform you that Eddy Kenzo is not performing again on any music stage in Uganda till further notice and we are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
For the last 10 years, Eddy Kenzo has worked so hard from zero to where he is today so he can have a better future for his kids and make his people happy. He has not only inspired generations but changed the lives of many through his music.

As a human being, he too has made mistakes in life which have cost him a lot…
From day one have fought so hard I mean so hard to bring my artist down and today they have achieved it..I am not hurt that Eddy Kenzo won’t be performing again in Uganda but am hurt because of our dear fans cause this decision is greatly going to affect them. We look to as our fathers and leaders who are meant to guide and mentor us are the same people fighting to bring us down. Why do you have to monk others so you can get fame?. Eddy Kenzo is a BRAND that is recognized globally.

This has gone from attacking a father of two beautiful daughters to a brand that represents our country on the international scene. Please let’s always mind the words that come out of our lips…they can either make or break a soul.
None of us is perfect but we all learn from our mistakes. Today it’s Kenzo tomorrow it’s your son or daughter. This is a decision we have decided as management to take on until when our Artist is ready in mind and body to entertain you again.lets stop judging one another for a better Uganda.

To all our sister companies, promoters, fellow artists we apologize for the inconvenience caused but we feel this was the right decision to make.

Allah bless you all.
Big Talent Entertainment.
Ficq Ek Fashionking.

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